A24 Talent Awards

1.**Eligibility Criteria**: Entries must be for non-surgical aesthetic procedures only, including but not limited to injectables, lasers, energy-based devices, and skincare treatments. All cases must have been treated in 2024. Entries are limited to those with conference passes purchased for A24.

2. **Submission Requirements**: Each submission must include standardised before-and-after photos as per APHRA Guidelines, demonstrating the effectiveness of the procedure, along with a detailed description of the treatment protocol and any associated products used. The Image must be 150DPI or more to allow printing of the image for the winners. Entries will be disqualified if non compliant and non standardised - as judged by Woodrow Wilson.

3. **Judging Criteria**: Entries will be judged based on criteria such as safety, efficacy, innovation, and reproducibility of results.

4. **Innovation**: Special consideration will be given to procedures or techniques that demonstrate significant innovation in the field of non-surgical aesthetics.

5. **Ethical Standards**: Entries must adhere to ethical standards and guidelines set by relevant regulatory bodies, with a focus on patient privacy, informed consent, and professional integrity. It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure appropriate consent is obtained from the patients as their images may be shown at the award ceremony.

6. **Peer Review**: Submissions may undergo peer review by a panel of experts in the field of aesthetic medicine to ensure the validity and reliability of the results presented.

7. **Categories**: Awards may be presented in various categories as listed

8. **Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest**: Participants must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including financial relationships with product manufacturers or sponsors, that may influence the outcomes presented.

9.**Submission**: All submissions are to be sent to aesthetics@veritas.com.au by 5:00 PM AEST Friday, 19 July 2024.

10. ** Exclusion**. No members of the scientific committee or International speakers are eligible to participate.

These guidelines aim to ensure fairness, transparency, and ethical conduct in the evaluation and recognition of non-surgical aesthetic procedures within the industry.



Consent must be requested for any photographs or videos a practitioner proposes to take of a patient in a consultation or during the cosmetic procedure. The patient must be given information about the proposed use of any images of them, including:

    • the purpose (for example, for medical record only, for advertising)
    • how the images will be used (for example, stored in patient record, shown to prospective patients in

consultations, published on website and posted on social media), and

    • where they will be stored and who will have access. Patient images must be stored on a secure device.

Medical practitioners must not store patient images on a personal device.

Patients must be given an opportunity to view images before consenting to their use in advertising.

Patients have the right to refuse use of their images and a patient cannot be required to agree to use of their images in advertising. Consent for the use of images in advertising must be separate from consent to the procedure. Patients must be allowed to withdraw their consent to use of their images and the practitioner must promptly stop using images (for example, not show them to prospective patients, delete them from advertising) if a patient withdraws consent. A patient’s consent for taking, use and storage of any images must be documented.
